What is a FAQ 10?

It's an FAQ video that answers your company's questions that need to be answered frequently.

Here’s the gist

A "FAQ 10" is a video of you or a team member answering 10 questions that explain information you need to convey.

These FAQ videos take about one hour to film. We take each question and deliver 10 horizontal videos, 10 vertical videos, and a bonus video with all 10 videos edited together.

Why would you want to do this?

If you or your team find you are spending time answering the same questions or explaining the same thing, this could help you save time and deliver important information consistently and accurately.


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Possible uses for these faq videos

  • Human Resouces explaining the company culture, benefits, and what they look for in new candidates.

  • Onboarding new employees, explaining the process, expectations, potential career advancement, fitting in, co-workers etc.

  • Use as a sales funnel tool, introducing your company to prospects and how you can help solve their problems.

  • Pre-qualify customers by explaining the details of your service.

  • Case Studies that showcase successful projects or collaborations with other companies or clients.

  • Safety or Security Measures your company takes to protect your customers' data or privacy.

  • FAQ that highlights your company's social responsibility initiatives, such as charitable donations or environmental sustainability efforts.

What are the advantages of doing this in video vs. just putting it in a document?

Well… unfortunately, we are inherently lazy and would rather watch a video than read a document. Which means, you will be able to reach more eyes and ears. This is also a good way to show your company is real, human, and approachable.


What’s included in this shindig?

  • One hour of filming time.

  • A pro video producer with 2 weeks of experience. Just kidding! He has 15 years of experience.

  • 20 videos: one with each question edited both vertically and horizontally.

  • One bonus video of all 10 questions edited together.

  • One round of edits/changes.


What’s the investment?

$2850 greenbacks get you the 10 vertical and 10 horizontal videos of each question and answer. Then you get a bonus video of one edit with all 10 questions. The fee is charged upon booking. But no worries, I can answer your question if you aren’t ready to commit.


Where do we do this?

We can shoot the video in the suburbs, city, or your location if you have space.


Okay, wait… before I hit that “Let’s do this” button, Show me a sample!

I’m a behind-the-scenes guy, so if I can do this and convey information, I have no doubt, you or a team member could do it and do it so much better. Check out the next sample just completed as well, just below the goofy video of me and my bloopers.

See a Sample!


New sample here


Hold your horses cowboy, I have questions

Email Todd